Network of Autonomously Recording Seismographs
NARS is a mobile seismic network operated by the seismology group of the Department of Earth Sciences at Utrecht University. It was the first digital mobile broadband seismic network (Nolet & Vlaar, 1982) and has been operational since 1983. NARS stations were deployed in various configurations within Europe through NARS projects (Europe, ILIHA, NL, DEEP, Netherlands, DeepNL Groningen) or as part of other projects (SVEKALAPKO, IberArray). NARS was also deployed around the Gulf of California (Baja) and in Botswana. Currently stations are in the Groningen area of the Netherlands as part of the NWO research program DeepNL. The instrumentation changed over the years. Detailed information about each project, such as station configuration, time of operation and instrumentation, can be found by clicking on the project name.
NARS broadband seismic data is available via The International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN),